Sunday, September 11, 2011

Insurance - Medishield, all rosy and sweet?

Please refer to my previous post on Medishield

As I had posted earlier, for SO and me to be under myshield Plan 1, both my kids had FOC coverage for Plan 2 till they are 20. For SO and me to add on Option A under myshield plus (Plan 1), they are both covered under Plan 2 Option A FOC again till they are 20. And we had add in a further Option B for them both to cover the deductibles. It all seem rosy and sweet isn't it?

FYI, I had email my agent to get INDIVIDUAL Plan 1 for both of them.
Why do I do this when Plan 2 seems good enough and it was FOC!!!

I do not know what will happen after they turn 20, will they be migrate to an individual plan since they are under myshield currently bringing along coverage for all exisitng conditions, or they will be treated as new clients that all exisitng conditions will not be viewed as PRE-exisitng conditions and therefore are excluded from coverage?

I really have no idea what will happen in another 14 years from now. So to make the best bet, I going to have them BOTH under individual coverage instead of tagging to my coverage FOC.

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